22 Ağustos 2014 Cuma

Örnek CEHv8 Soruları # 4 (601-800)

Örnek CEHv8 Soruları # 4 (601-800)

601) _________ is a tool that can hide processes from the process list, can hide files, registry entries, and intercept keystrokes.
A. Trojan
B. RootKit
C. DoS tool
D. Scanner
E. Backdoor
Explanation: Rootkits are tools that can hide processes from the process list, can hide files, registry entries, and intercept keystrokes.

602) _____________ is a type of symmetric-key encryption algorithm that transforms a fixed-length block of plaintext (unencrypted text) data into a block of ciphertext (encrypted text) data of the same length.
A. Stream Cipher
B. Block Cipher
C. Bit Cipher
D. Hash Cipher

603) Your company has blocked all the ports via external firewall and only allows port 80/443 to connect to the Internet. You want to use FTP to connect to some remote server on the Internet. How would you accomplish this?
A. Use HTTP Tunneling
B. Use Proxy Chaining
C. Use TOR Network
D. Use Reverse Chaining

604) This kind of password cracking method uses word lists in combination with numbers and special characters:
A. Hybrid
B. Linear
C. Symmetric
D. Brute Force
Explanation: A Hybrid (or Hybrid Dictionary) Attack uses a word list that it modifies slightly to find passwords that are almost from a dictionary (like St0pid)

605) Fred is scanning his network to ensure it is as secure as possible. Fred sends a TCP probe packet to a host with a FIN flag and he receives a RST/ACK response. What does this mean?
A. This response means the port he is scanning is open.
B. The RST/ACK response means the port Fred is scanning is disabled.
C. This means the port he is scanning is half open.
D. This means that the port he is scanning on the host is closed.

606) Which of the following is the primary objective of a rootkit?
A. It opens a port to provide an unauthorized service
B. It creates a buffer overflow
C. It replaces legitimate programs
D. It provides an undocumented opening in a program
Explanation: Actually the objective of the rootkit is more to hide the fact that a system has been compromised and the normal way to do this is by exchanging, for example, ls to a version that doesn’t show the files and process implanted by the attacker.

607) John is using a special tool on his Linux platform that has a database containing signatures to be able to detect hundreds of vulnerabilities in UNIX, Windows, and commonly used web CGI/ASPX scripts. Moreover, the database detects DDoS zombies and Trojans as well. What would be the name of this tool?
A. hping2
B. nessus
C. nmap
D. make

608) Which of the following LM hashes represent a password of less than 8 characters? (Select 2)
A. BA810DBA98995F1817306D272A9441BB
B. 44EFCE164AB921CQAAD3B435B51404EE
C. 0182BD0BD4444BF836077A718CCDF409
D. CEC52EB9C8E3455DC2265B23734E0DAC
E. B757BF5C0D87772FAAD3B435B51404EE
F. E52CAC67419A9A224A3B108F3FA6CB6D
Explanation: Notice the last 8 characters are the same

609) What type of Virus is shown here?
A. Macro Virus
B. Cavity Virus
C. Boot Sector Virus
D. Metamorphic Virus
E. Sparse Infector Virus

610) E-mail scams and mail fraud are regulated by which of the following?
A. 18 U.S.C. par. 1030 Fraud and Related activity in connection with Computers
B. 18 U.S.C. par. 1029 Fraud and Related activity in connection with Access Devices
C. 18 U.S.C. par. 1362 Communication Lines, Stations, or Systems
D. 18 U.S.C. par. 2510 Wire and Electronic Communications Interception and Interception of Oral Communication
Explanation: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode18/usc_sec_18_00001030—-000-.html

611) Which of the following Trojans would be considered ‘Botnet Command Control Center’?
A. YouKill DOOM
B. Damen Rock
C. Poison Ivy
D. Matten Kit

612) What is the algorithm used by LM for Windows2000 SAM?
A. MD4
Explanation: Okay, this is a tricky question. We say B, DES, but it could be A “MD4” depending on what their asking – Windows 2000/XP keeps users passwords not “apparently”, but as hashes, i.e. actually as “check sum” of the passwords. Let’s go into the passwords keeping at large. The most interesting structure of the complex SAM-file building is so called V-block. It’s size is 32 bytes and it includes hashes of the password for the local entering: NT Hash of 16-byte length, and hash used during the authentication of access to the common resources of other computers LanMan Hash, or simply LM Hash, of the same 16-byte length. Algorithms of the formation of these hashes are following:
NT Hash Formation:
1.User password is being generated to the Unicode-line.
2.Hash is being generated based on this line using MD4 algorithm.
3.Gained hash in being encoded by the DES algorithm, RID (i.e. user identifier) had been used as a key. It was necessary for gaining variant hashes for users who have equal passwords. You remember that all users have different RIDs (RID of the Administrator’s built in account is 500, RID of the Guest’s built in account is 501, all other users get RIDs equal 1000, 1001, 1002, etc.).
LM Hash Formation:
1.User password is being shifted to capitals and added by nulls up to 14-byte length.
2.Gained line is divided on halves 7 bytes each, and each of them is being encoded separately using DES, output is 8-byte hash and total 16-byte hash.
3.Then LM Hash is being additionally encoded the same way as it had been done in the NT Hash formation algorithm step 3.

613) E-mail tracking is a method to monitor and spy the delivered e-mails to the intended recipient.
Select a feature, which you will NOT be able to accomplish with this probe?
A. When the e-mail was received and read
B. Send destructive e-mails
C. GPS location and map of the recipient
D. Time spent on reading the e-mails
E. Whether or not the recipient visited any links sent to them
F. Track PDF and other types of attachments
G. Set messages to expire after specified time
H. Remote control the User’s E-mail client application and hijack the traffic

614) In the context of password security, a simple dictionary attack involves loading a dictionary file (a text file full of dictionary words) into a cracking application such as L0phtCrack or John the Ripper, and running it against user accounts located by the application. The larger the word and word fragment selection, the more effective the dictionary attack is. The brute force method is the most inclusive, although slow. It usually tries every possible letter and number combination in its automated exploration.
If you would use both brute force and dictionary methods combined together to have variation of words, what would you call such an attack?
A. Full Blown
B. Thorough
C. Hybrid
D. BruteDics
Explanation: A combination of Brute force and Dictionary attack is called a Hybrid attack or Hybrid dictionary attack.

615) You establish a new Web browser connection to Google. Since a 3-way handshake is required for any TCP connection, the following actions will take place.
  • DNS query is sent to the DNS server to resolve www.google.com
  • DNS server replies with the IP address for Google?
  • SYN packet is sent to Google.
  • Google sends back a SYN/ACK packet
  • Your computer completes the handshake by sending an ACK
  • The connection is established and the transfer of data commences
Which of the following packets represent completion of the 3-way handshake?
A. 4th packet
B. 3rd packet
C. 6th packet
D. 5th packet

616) You are attempting to crack LM Manager hashed from Windows 2000 SAM file. You will be using LM Brute force hacking tool for decryption. What encryption algorithm will you be decrypting?
A. MD4
Explanation: The LM hash is computed as follows.
  • 1. The user’s password as an OEM string is converted to uppercase.
  • 2. This password is either null-padded or truncated to 14 bytes.
  • 3. The “fixed-length” password is split into two 7-byte halves.
  • 4. These values are used to create two DES keys, one from each 7-byte half.
  • 5. Each of these keys is used to DES-encrypt the constant ASCII string “KGS!@#$%”, resulting in two 8-byte ciphertext values.
  • 6. These two ciphertext values are concatenated to form a 16-byte value, which is the LM hash.

617) When writing shellcodes, you must avoid ____________ because these will end the string.
A. Root bytes
B. Null bytes
C. Char bytes
D. Unicode bytes

618) Jess the hacker runs L0phtCrack’s built-in sniffer utility that grabs SMB password hashes and stores them for offline cracking. Once cracked, these passwords can provide easy access to whatever network resources the user account has access to. But Jess is not picking up hashes from the network. Why?
A. The network protocol is configured to use SMB Signing
B. The physical network wire is on fibre optic cable
C. The network protocol is configured to use IPSEC
D. L0phtCrack SMB sniffing only works through Switches and not Hubs

619) Harold works for Jacobson Unlimited in the IT department as the security manager. Harold has created a security policy requiring all employees to use complex 14 character passwords. Unfortunately, the members of management do not want to have to use such long complicated passwords so they tell Harold’s boss this new password policy should not apply to them. To comply with the management’s wishes, the IT department creates another Windows domain and moves all the management users to that domain. This new domain has a password policy only requiring 8 characters.
Harold is concerned about having to accommodate the managers, but cannot do anything about it. Harold is also concerned about using LanManager security on his network instead of NTLM or NTLMv2, but the many legacy applications on the network prevent using the more secure NTLM and NTLMv2. Harold pulls the SAM files from the DC’s on the original domain and the new domain using Pwdump6.
Harold uses the password cracking software John the Ripper to crack users’ passwords to make sure they are strong enough. Harold expects that the users’ passwords in the original domain will take much longer to crack than the management’s passwords in the new domain. After running the software, Harold discovers that the 14 character passwords only took a short time longer to crack than the 8 character passwords.
Why did the 14 character passwords not take much longer to crack than the 8 character passwords?
A. Harold should have used Dumpsec instead of Pwdump6
B. Harold’s dictionary file was not large enough
C. Harold should use LC4 instead of John the Ripper
D. LanManger hashes are broken up into two 7 character fields

620) A user on your Windows 2000 network has discovered that he can use L0phtcrack to sniff the SMB exchanges which carry user logons. The user is plugged into a hub with 23 other systems. However, he is unable to capture any logons though he knows that other users are logging in. What do you think is the most likely reason behind this?
A. There is a NIDS present on that segment.
B. Kerberos is preventing it.
C. Windows logons cannot be sniffed.
D. L0phtcrack only sniffs logons to web servers.
Explanation: In a Windows 2000 network using Kerberos you normally use pre-authentication and the user password never leaves the local machine so it is never exposed to the network so it should not be able to be sniffed.

621) LAN Manager Passwords are concatenated to 14 bytes, and split in half. The two halves are hashed individually. If the password is 7 characters or less, than the second half of the hash is always:
A. 0xAAD3B435B51404EE
B. 0xAAD3B435B51404AA
C. 0xAAD3B435B51404BB
D. 0xAAD3B435B51404CC

622) Which of the following algorithms can be used to guarantee the integrity of messages being sent, in transit, or stored? (Choose the best answer)
A. Symmetric algorithms
B. Asymmetric algorithms
C. Hashing algorithms
D. Integrity algorithms
Explanation: In cryptography, a cryptographic hash function is a hash function with certain additional security properties to make it suitable for use as a primitive in various information security applications, such as authentication and message integrity. A hash function takes a long string (or ‘message’) of any length as input and produces a fixed length string as output, sometimes termed a message digest or a digital fingerprint.

623) Hampton is the senior security analyst for the city of Columbus in Ohio. His primary responsibility is to ensure that all physical and logical aspects of the city’s computer network are secure from all angles. Bill is an IT technician that works with Hampton in the same IT department. Bill’s primary responsibility is to keep PC’s and servers up to date and to keep track of all the agency laptops that the company owns and lends out to its employees. After Bill setup a wireless network for the agency, Hampton made sure that everything was secure. He instituted encryption, rotating keys, turned off SSID broadcasting, and enabled MAC filtering. According to agency policy, only company laptops are allowed to use the wireless network, so Hampton entered all the MAC addresses for those laptops into the wireless security utility so that only those laptops should be able to access the wireless network.
Hampton does not keep track of all the laptops, but he is pretty certain that the agency only purchases Dell laptops. Hampton is curious about this because he notices Bill working on a Toshiba laptop one day and saw that he was on the Internet. Instead of jumping to conclusions, Hampton decides to talk to Bill’s boss and see if they had purchased a Toshiba laptop instead of the usual Dell. Bill’s boss said no, so now Hampton is very curious to see how Bill is accessing the Internet. Hampton does site surveys every couple of days, and has yet to see any outside wireless network signals inside the company’s building.
How was Bill able to get Internet access without using an agency laptop?
A. Bill spoofed the MAC address of Dell laptop
B. Bill connected to a Rogue access point
C. Toshiba and Dell laptops share the same hardware address
D. Bill brute forced the Mac address ACLs

624) Study the snort rule given below:
From the options below, choose the exploit against which this rule applies.
A. WebDav
B. SQL Slammer
C. MS Blaster
D. MyDoom
Explanation: MS Blaster scans the Internet for computers that are vulnerable to its attack. Once found, it tries to enter the system through the port 135 to create a buffer overflow. TCP ports 139 and 445 may also provide attack vectors.

625) Bob has been hired to do a web application security test. Bob notices that the site is dynamic and must make use of a back end database. Bob wants to see if SQL Injection would be possible. What is the first character that Bob should use to attempt breaking valid SQL request?
A. Semi Column
B. Double Quote
C. Single Quote
D. Exclamation Mark

626) Bob is doing a password assessment for one of his clients. Bob suspects that security policies are not in place. He also suspects that weak passwords are probably the norm throughout the company he is evaluating. Bob is familiar with password weaknesses and key loggers.
Which of the following options best represents the means that Bob can adopt to retrieve passwords from his clients hosts and servers?
A. Hardware, Software, and Sniffing
B. Hardware and Software Keyloggers
C. Passwords are always best obtained using Hardware key loggers
D. Software only, they are the most effective
Explanation: Different types of keylogger planted into the environment would retrieve the passwords for Bob.

627) Leesa is the senior security analyst for a publicly traded company. The IT department recently rolled out an intranet for company use only with information ranging from training, to holiday schedules, to human resources data. Leesa wants to make sure the site is not accessible from outside and she also wants to ensure the site is Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliant. Leesa goes to a public library as she wants to do some Google searching to verify whether the company’s intranet is accessible from outside and has been indexed by Google. Leesa wants to search for a website title of “intranet” with part of the URL containing the word “intranet” and the words “human resources” somewhere in the webpage.
What Google search will accomplish this?
A. related:intranet allinurl:intranet:”human resources”
B. cache:”human resources” inurl:intranet(SharePoint)
C. intitle:intranet inurl:intranet+intext:”human resources”
D. site:”human resources”+intext:intranet intitle:intranet

628) If a token and 4-digit personal identification number (PIN) are used to access a computer system and the token performs off-line checking for the correct PIN, what type of attack is possible?
A. Birthday
B. Brute force
C. Man-in-the-middle
D. Smurf
Explanation: Brute force attacks are performed with tools that cycle through many possible character, number, and symbol combinations to guess a password. Since the token allows offline checking of PIN, the cracker can keep trying PINS until it is cracked.

629) Jason is the network administrator of Spears Technology. He has enabled SNORT IDS to detect attacks going through his network. He receives Snort SMS alerts on his iPhone whenever there is an attempted intrusion to his network. He receives the following SMS message during the weekend.
An attacker Chew Siew sitting in Beijing, China had just launched a remote scan on Jason’s network with the hping command. Which of the following hping2 command is responsible for the above snort alert?
A. chenrocks:/home/siew # hping -S -R -P -A -F -U -p 22 -c 5 -t 118
B. chenrocks:/home/siew # hping -F -Q -J -A -C -W -p 22 -c 5 -t 118
C. chenrocks:/home/siew # hping -D -V -R -S -Z -Y -p 22 -c 5 -t 118
D. chenrocks:/home/siew # hping -G -T -H -S -L -W -p 22 -c 5 -t 118

630) Peter, a Network Administrator, has come to you looking for advice on a tool that would help him perform SNMP enquires over the network. Which of these tools would do the SNMP enumeration he is looking for?
Select the best answers.
B. SNScan
D. Solarwinds IP Network Browser
E. NMap
Explanation: SNMPUtil is a SNMP enumeration utility that is a part of the Windows 2000 resource kit. With SNMPUtil, you can retrieve all sort of valuable information through SNMP. SNScan is a SNMP network scanner by Foundstone. It does SNMP scanning to find open SNMP ports. Solarwinds IP Network Browser is a SNMPenumeration tool with a graphical tree-view of the remote machine’s SNMP data.

631) In this type of Man-in-the-Middle attack, packets and authentication tokens are captured using a sniffer. Once the relevant information is extracted, the tokens are placed back on the network to gain access.
A. Token Injection Replay attacks
B. Shoulder surfing attack
C. Rainbow and Hash generation attack
D. Dumpster diving attack

632) The FIN flag is set and sent from host A to host B when host A has no more data to transmit (Closing a TCP connection). This flag releases the connection resources. However, host A can continue to receive data as long as the SYN sequence numbers of transmitted packets from host B are lower than the packet segment containing the set FIN flag.
A. false
B. true

633) A network admin contacts you. He is concerned that ARP spoofing or poisoning might occur on his network. What are some things he can do to prevent it? Select the best answers.
A. Use port security on his switches
B. Use a tool like ARPwatch to monitor for strange ARP activity
C. Use a firewall between all LAN segments
D. If you have a small network, use static ARP entries
E. Use only static IP addresses on all PC’s
Explanation: By using port security on his switches, the switches will only allow the first MAC address that is connected to the switch to use that port, thus preventing ARP spoofing.ARPWatch is a tool that monitors for strange ARP activity. This may help identify ARP spoofing when it happens. Using firewalls between all LAN segments is possible and may help, but is usually pretty unrealistic. On a very small network, static ARP entries are a possibility. However, on a large network, this is not an realistic option. ARP spoofing doesn’t have anything to do with static or dynamic IP addresses. Thus, this option won’t help you.

634) Johnny is a member of the hacking group Orpheus1. He is currently working on breaking into the Department of Defense’s front end Exchange Server. He was able to get into the server, located in a DMZ, by using an unused service account that had a very weak password that he was able to guess. Johnny wants to crack the administrator password, but does not have a lot of time to crack it. He wants to use a tool that already has the LM hashes computed for all possible permutations of the administrator password.
What tool would be best used to accomplish this?
A. SMBCrack
B. SmurfCrack
C. PSCrack
D. RainbowTables

635) What tool can crack Windows SMB passwords simply by listening to network traffic? Select the best answer.
A. This is not possible
B. Netbus
D. L0phtcrack
Explanation: This is possible with a SMB packet capture module for L0phtcrack and a known weaknesses in the LM hash algorithm.

636) Bob was frustrated with his competitor, Brownies Inc., and decided to launch an attack that would result in serious financial losses. He planned the attack carefully and carried out the attack at the appropriate moment.
Meanwhile, Trent, an administrator at Brownies Inc., realized that their main financial transaction server had been attacked. As a result of the attack, the server crashed and Trent needed to reboot the system, as no one was able to access the resources of the company. This process involves human interaction to fix it.
What kind of Denial of Service attack was best illustrated in the scenario above?
A. Simple DDoS attack
B. DoS attacks which involves flooding a network or system
C. DoS attacks which involves crashing a network or system
D. DoS attacks which is done accidentally or deliberately

637) Why would you consider sending an email to an address that you know does not exist within the company you are performing a Penetration Test for?
A. To determine who is the holder of the root account
B. To perform a DoS
C. To create needless SPAM
D. To illicit a response back that will reveal information about email servers and how they treat undeliverable mail
E. To test for virus protection
Explanation: Sending a bogus email is one way to find out more about internal servers. Also, to gather additional IP addresses and learn how they treat mail.

638) What techniques would you use to evade IDS during a Port Scan? (Select 4 answers)
A. Use fragmented IP packets
B. Spoof your IP address when launching attacks and sniff responses from the server
C. Overload the IDS with Junk traffic to mask your scan
D. Use source routing (if possible)
E. Connect to proxy servers or compromised Trojaned machines to launch attacks

639) As a securing consultant, what are some of the things you would recommend to a company to ensure DNS security? Select the best answers.
A. Use the same machines for DNS and other applications
B. Harden DNS servers
C. Use split-horizon operation for DNS servers
D. Restrict Zone transfers
E. Have subnet diversity between DNS servers
Explanation: A is not a correct answer as it is never recommended to use a DNS server for any other application. Hardening of the DNS servers makes them less vulnerable to attack. It is recommended to split internal and external DNS servers (called split-horizon operation). Zone transfers should only be accepted from authorized DNS servers. By having DNS servers on different subnets, you may prevent both from going down, even if one of your networks goes down.

640) While testing web applications, you attempt to insert the following test script into the search area on the company’s web site:
<script>alert(‘Testing Testing Testing’)</script>
Later, when you press the search button, a pop up box appears on your screen with the text “Testing Testing Testing”. What vulnerability is detected in the web application here?
A. Cross Site Scripting
B. Password attacks
C. A Buffer Overflow
D. A hybrid attack

The following is an entry captured by a network IDS.You are assigned the task of analyzing this entry. You notice the value 0×90, which is the most common NOOP instruction for the Intel processor. You figure that the attacker is attempting a buffer overflow attack. You also notice “/bin/sh” in the ASCII part of the output. As an analyst what would you conclude about the attack?
A. The buffer overflow attack has been neutralized by the IDS
B. The attacker is creating a directory on the compromised machine
C. The attacker is attempting a buffer overflow attack and has succeeded
D. The attacker is attempting an exploit that launches a command-line shell
Explanation: This log entry shows a hacker using a buffer overflow to fill the data buffer and trying to insert the execution of /bin/sh into the executable code part of the thread. It is probably an existing exploit that is used, or a directed attack with a custom built buffer overflow with the “payload” that launches the command shell.

642) You have chosen a 22 character word from the dictionary as your password. How long will it take to crack the password by an attacker?
A. 16 million years
B. 5 minutes
C. 23 days
D. 200 years

643) Exhibit: RESİM???
Based on the following extract from the log of a compromised machine, what is the hacker really trying to steal?
A. har.txt
B. SAM file
C. wwwroot
D. Repair file
Explanation: He is actually trying to get the file har.txt but this file contains a copy of the SAM file.

644) Which of the following steganography utilities exploits the nature of white space and allows the user to conceal information in these white spaces?
A. Image Hide
B. Snow
C. Gif-It-Up
D. NiceText

645) Study the following log extract and identify the attack.
A. Hexcode Attack
B. Cross Site Scripting
C. Multiple Domain Traversal Attack
D. Unicode Directory Traversal Attack
Explanation: The “Get /msadc/……/……/……/winnt/system32/cmd.exe?” shows that a Unicode Directory Traversal Attack has been performed.

646) What framework architecture is shown in this exhibit?
A. Core Impact
B. Metasploit
C. Immunity Canvas
D. Nessus

647) Null sessions are un-authenticated connections (not using a username or password.) to an NT or 2000 system. Which TCP and UDP ports must you filter to check null sessions on your network?
A. 137 and 139
B. 137 and 443
C. 139 and 443
D. 139 and 445
Explanation: NULL sessions take advantage of “features” in the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol that exist primarily for trust relationships. You can establish a NULL session with a Windows host by logging on with a NULL user name and password. Primarily the following ports are vulnerable if they are accessible:

648) The programmers on your team are analyzing the free, open source software being used to run FTP services on a server in your organization. They notice that there is excessive number of functions in the source code that might lead to buffer overflow. These C++ functions do not check bounds. Identify the line in the source code that might lead to buffer overflow?
A. 9
B. 17
C. 20
D. 32
E. 35

649) Which of the following represents the initial two commands that an IRC client sends to join an IRC network?
Explanation: A “PASS” command is not required for either client or server connection to be registered, but it must precede the server message or the latter of the NICK/USER combination. (RFC 1459)

650) TCP packets transmitted in either direction after the initial three-way handshake will have which of the following bit set?
A. SYN flag
B. ACK flag
C. FIN flag
D. XMAS flag

651) Eve is spending her day scanning the library computers. She notices that Alice is using a computer whose port 445 is active and listening. Eve uses the ENUM tool to enumerate Alice machine. From the command prompt, she types the following command.
for /f “tokens=1 %%a in (hackfile.txt) do net use * \\\c$ /user:”Administrator” %%a
What is Eve trying to do?
A. Eve is trying to connect as an user with Administrator privileges
B. Eve is trying to enumerate all users with Administrative privileges
C. Eve is trying to carry out a password crack for user Administrator
D. Eve is trying to escalate privilege of the null user to that of Administrator
Explanation: Eve tries to get a successful login using the username Administrator and passwords from the file hackfile.txt.

652) You are gathering competitive intelligence on an organization. You notice that they have jobs listed on a few Internet job-hunting sites. There are two jobs for network and system administrators. How can this help you in foot printing the organization?
A. To learn about the IP range used by the target network
B. To identify the number of employees working for the company
C. To test the limits of the corporate security policy enforced in the company
D. To learn about the operating systems, services and applications used on the network

653) Eric has discovered a fantastic package of tools named Dsniff on the Internet. He has learnt to use these tools in his lab and is now ready for real world exploitation. He was able to effectively intercept communications between the two entities and establish credentials with both sides of the connections. The two remote ends of the communication never notice that Eric is relaying the information between the two.
What would you call this attack?
A. Interceptor
B. Man-in-the-middle
C. ARP Proxy
D. Poisoning Attack
Explanation: A man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is an attack in which an attacker is able to read, insert and modify at will, messages between two parties without either party knowing that the link between them has been compromised.

654) John the hacker is sniffing the network to inject ARP packets. He injects broadcast frames onto the wire to conduct MiTM attack. What is the destination MAC address of a broadcast frame?

655) Susan has attached to her company’s network. She has managed to synchronize her boss’s sessions with that of the file server. She then intercepted his traffic destined for the server, changed it the way she wanted to and then placed it on the server in his home directory. What kind of attack is Susan carrying on?
A. A sniffing attack
B. A spoofing attack
C. A man in the middle attack
D. A denial of service attack
Explanation: A man-in-the-middle attack (MITM) is an attack in which an attacker is able to read, insert and modify at will, messages between two parties without either party knowing that the link between them has been compromised.

656) William has received a Chess game from someone in his computer programming class through email. William does not really know the person who sent the game very well, but decides to install the game anyway because he really likes Chess.
After William installs the game, he plays it for a couple of hours. The next day, William plays the Chess game again and notices that his machine has begun to slow down. He brings up his Task Manager and sees the following programs running:
What has William just installed?
A. Zombie Zapper (ZoZ)
B. Remote Access Trojan (RAT)
C. Bot IRC Tunnel (BIT)
D. Root Digger (RD)

657) Which definition among those given below best describes a covert channel?
A. A server program using a port that is not well known.
B. Making use of a protocol in a way it is not intended to be used.
C. It is the multiplexing taking place on a communication link.
D. It is one of the weak channels used by WEP which makes it insecure.
Explanation: A covert channel is described as: “any communication channel that can be exploited by a process to transfer information in a manner that violates the systems security policy.” Essentially, it is a method of communication that is not part of an actual computer system design, but can be used to transfer information to users or system processes that normally would not be allowed access to the information.

658) This method is used to determine the Operating system and version running on a remote target system. What is it called?
A. Service Degradation
B. OS Fingerprinting
C. Manual Target System
D. Identification Scanning

659) What did the following commands determine?
C:\> user2sid \earth guest
C:\> sid2user 5 21 343818398 789336058 1343024091 500
Name is Joe
Domain is EARTH
A. That the Joe account has a SID of 500
B. These commands demonstrate that the guest account has NOT been disabled
C. These commands demonstrate that the guest account has been disabled
D. That the true administrator is Joe
E. Issued alone, these commands prove nothing
Explanation: One important goal of enumeration is to determine who the true administrator is. In the example above, the true administrator is Joe.

660) Lee is using Wireshark to log traffic on his network. He notices a number of packets being directed to an internal IP from an outside IP where the packets are ICMP and their size is around 65, 536 bytes. What is Lee seeing here?
A. Lee is seeing activity indicative of a Smurf attack.
B. Most likely, the ICMP packets are being sent in this manner to attempt IP spoofing.
C. Lee is seeing a Ping of death attack.
D. This is not unusual traffic, ICMP packets can be of any size.

661) Which of the following tools are used for enumeration? (Choose three.)
A. SolarWinds
C. Cheops
E. DumpSec
Explanation: USER2SID, SID2USER, and DumpSec are three of the tools used for system enumeration. Others are tools such as NAT and Enum. Knowing which tools are used in each step of the hacking methodology is an important goal of the CEH exam. You should spend a portion of your time preparing for the test practicing with the tools and learning to understand their output.

662) Which of the following is NOT part of CEH Scanning Methodology?
A. Check for Live systems
B. Check for Open Ports
C. Banner Grabbing
D. Prepare Proxies
E. Social Engineering attacks
F. Scan for Vulnerabilities
G. Draw Network Diagrams

663) Joseph was the Web site administrator for the Mason Insurance in New York, who’s main Web site was located at www.masonins.com. Joseph uses his laptop computer regularly to administer the Web site.
One night, Joseph received an urgent phone call from his friend, Smith. According to Smith, the main Mason Insurance web site had been vandalized! All of its normal content was removed and replaced with an attacker’s message ”Hacker Message: You are dead! Freaks! From his office, which was directly connected to Mason Insurance’s internal network, Joseph surfed to the Web site using his laptop. In his browser, the Web site looked completely intact. No changes were apparent. Joseph called a friend of his at his home to help troubleshoot the problem. The Web site appeared defaced when his friend visited using his DSL connection. So, while Smith and his friend could see the defaced page, Joseph saw the intact Mason Insurance web site. To help make sense of this problem, Joseph decided to access the Web site using his dial-up ISP. He disconnected his laptop from the corporate internal network and used his modem to dial up the same ISP used by Smith.
After his modem connected, he quickly typed www.masonins.com in his browser to reveal the following web page:
H@cker Mess@ge:
Y0u @re De@d! Fre@ks!
After seeing the defaced Web site, he disconnected his dial-up line, reconnected to the internal network, and used Secure Shell (SSH) to log in directly to the Web server. He ran Tripwire against the entire Web site, and determined that every system file and all the Web content on the server were intact.
How did the attacker accomplish this hack?
A. ARP spoofing
B. SQL injection
C. DNS poisoning
D. Routing table injection
Explanation: External calls for the Web site has been redirected to another server by a successful DNS poisoning.

664) A Trojan horse is a destructive program that masquerades as a benign application. The software initially appears to perform a desirable function for the user prior to installation and/or execution, but in addition to the expected function steals information or harms the system.
The challenge for an attacker is to send a convincing file attachment to the victim, which gets easily executed on the victim machine without raising any suspicion. Today’s end users are quite knowledgeable about malwares and viruses. Instead of sending games and fun executables, Hackers today are quite successful in spreading the Trojans using Rogue security software.
What is Rogue security software?
A. A flash file extension to Firefox that gets automatically installed when a victim visits rogue software disabling websites
B. A Fake AV program that claims to rid a computer of malware, but instead installs spyware or other malware onto the computer. This kind of software is known as rogue security software.
C. Rogue security software is based on social engineering technique in which the attackers lures victim to visit spear phishing websites
D. This software disables firewalls and establishes reverse connecting tunnel between the victim’s machine and that of the attacker

665) Which DNS resource record can indicate how long any “DNS poisoning” could last?
Explanation: The SOA contains information of secondary servers, update intervals and expiration times.

666) You are the CIO for Avantes Finance International, a global finance company based in Geneva. You are responsible for network functions and logical security throughout the entire corporation. Your company has over 250 servers running Windows Server, 5000 workstations running Windows Vista, and 200 mobile users working from laptops on Windows 7. Last week, 10 of your company’s laptops were stolen from salesmen while at a conference in Amsterdam. These laptops contained proprietary company information. While doing damage assessment on the possible public relations nightmare this may become, a news story leaks about the stolen laptops and also that sensitive information from those computers was posted to a blog online.
What built-in Windows feature could you have implemented to protect the sensitive information on these laptops?
A. You should have used 3DES which is built into Windows
B. If you would have implemented Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) which is built into Windows, the sensitive information on the laptops would not have leaked out
C. You should have utilized the built-in feature of Distributed File System (DFS) to protect the sensitive information on the laptops
D. You could have implemented Encrypted File System (EFS) to encrypt the sensitive files on the laptops

667) Let’s imagine three companies (A, B and C), all competing in a challenging global environment. Company A and B are working together in developing a product that will generate a major competitive advantage for them. Company A has a secure DNS server while company B has a DNS server vulnerable to spoofing. With a spoofing attack on the DNS server of company B, company C gains access to outgoing e-mails from company B. How do you prevent DNS spoofing? (Select the Best Answer.)
A. Install DNS logger and track vulnerable packets
B. Disable DNS timeouts
C. Install DNS Anti-spoofing
D. Disable DNS Zone Transfer
Explanation: Implement DNS Anit-Spoofing measures to prevent DNS Cache Pollution to occur.

668) You are footprinting an organization and gathering competitive intelligence. You visit the company’s website for contact information and telephone numbers but do not find them listed there. You know they had the entire staff directory listed on their website 12 months ago but now it is not there. Is there any way you can retrieve information from a website that is outdated?
A. Visit Google’s search engine and view the cached copy
B. Crawl the entire website and store them into your computer
C. Visit Archive.org web site to retrieve the Internet archive of the company’s website
D. Visit the company’s partners and customers website for this information
Explanation: The Internet Archive (IA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining an archive of Web and multimedia resources. Located at the Presidio in San Francisco, California, this archive includes “snapshots of the World Wide Web” (archived copies of pages, taken at various points in time), software, movies, books, and audio recordings (including recordings of live concerts from bands that allow it). This site is found at www.archive.org.

669) A zone file consists of which of the following Resource Records (RRs)?
A. DNS, NS, AXFR, and MX records
B. DNS, NS, PTR, and MX records
C. SOA, NS, AXFR, and MX records
D. SOA, NS, A, and MX records
Explanation: The zone file typically contains the following records:
SOA --> Start Of Authority
NS --> Name Server record
MX --> Mail eXchange record
A --> Address record

670) Steve scans the network for SNMP enabled devices. Which port number Steve should scan?
A. 150
B. 161
C. 169
D. 69

671) Tess King is using the nslookup command to craft queries to list all DNS information (such as Name Servers, host names, MX records, CNAME records, glue records (delegation for child Domains), zone serial number, TimeToLive (TTL) records, etc) for a Domain. What do you think Tess King is trying to accomplish? Select the best answer.
A. A zone harvesting
B. A zone transfer
C. A zone update
D. A zone estimate
Explanation: The zone transfer is the method a secondary DNS server uses to update its information from the primary DNS server. DNS servers within a domain are organized using a master-slave method where the slaves get updated DNS information from the master DNS. One should configure the master DNS server to allow zone transfers only from secondary (slave) DNS servers but this is often not implemented. By connecting to a specific DNS server and successfully issuing the “ls -d domain-name > file-name” you have initiated a zone transfer.

672) What sequence of packets is sent during the initial TCP three-way handshake?

673) You have the SOA presented below in your Zone. Your secondary servers have not been able to contact your primary server to synchronize information. How long will the secondary servers attempt to contact the primary server before it considers that zone is dead and stops responding to queries?
collegae.edu.SOA, cikkye.edu ipad.college.edu. (200302028 3600 3600 604800 3600)
A. One day
B. One hour
C. One week
D. One month
Explanation: The numbers represents the following values:
200302028; se = serial number
3600; ref = refresh = 1h
3600; ret = update retry = 1h
604800; ex = expiry = 1w
3600; min = minimum TTL = 1h

674) Lori was performing an audit of her company’s internal Sharepoint pages when she came across the following code. What is the purpose of this code?
A. This JavaScript code will use a Web Bug to send information back to another server.
B. This code snippet will send a message to a server at whenever the “escape” key is pressed.
C. This code will log all keystrokes.
D. This bit of JavaScript code will place a specific image on every page of the RSS feed.

675) Which of the following statements about a zone transfer correct?(Choose three.
A. A zone transfer is accomplished with the DNS
B. A zone transfer is accomplished with the nslookup service
C. A zone transfer passes all zone information that a DNS server maintains
D. A zone transfer passes all zone information that a nslookup server maintains
E. A zone transfer can be prevented by blocking all inbound TCP port 53 connections
F. Zone transfers cannot occur on the Internet
Explanation: Securing DNS servers should be a priority of the organization. Hackers obtaining DNS information can discover a wealth of information about an organization. This information can be used to further exploit the network.

676) Which type of scan does NOT open a full TCP connection?
A. Stealth Scan
B. XMAS Scan
C. Null Scan
D. FIN Scan

677) What is the proper response for a NULL scan if the port is open?
F. No response
Explanation: A NULL scan will have no response if the port is open.

678) Which of the following statement correctly defines ICMP Flood Attack? (Select 2 answers)
A. Bogus ECHO reply packets are flooded on the network spoofing the IP and MAC address
B. The ICMP packets signal the victim system to reply and the combination of traffic saturates the  bandwidth of the victim’s network
C. ECHO packets are flooded on the network saturating the bandwidth of the subnet causing denial of service
D. A DDoS ICMP flood attack occurs when the zombies send large volumes of ICMP_ECHO_REPLY packets to the victim system.

679) What is a NULL scan?
A. A scan in which all flags are turned off
B. A scan in which certain flags are off
C. A scan in which all flags are on
D. A scan in which the packet size is set to zero
E. A scan with a illegal packet size
Explanation: A null scan has all flags turned off.

680) Bob has set up three web servers on Windows Server 2008 IIS 7.0. Bob has followed all the recommendations for securing the operating system and IIS. These servers are going to run numerous e-commerce websites that are projected to bring in thousands of dollars a day. Bob is still concerned about the security of these servers because of the potential for financial loss. Bob has asked his company’s firewall administrator to set the firewall to inspect all incoming traffic on ports 80 and 443 to ensure that no malicious data is getting into the network.
Why will this not be possible?
A. Firewalls cannot inspect traffic coming through port 443
B. Firewalls can only inspect outbound traffic
C. Firewalls cannot inspect traffic at all, they can only block or allow certain ports
D. Firewalls cannot inspect traffic coming through port 80

681) What ports should be blocked on the firewall to prevent NetBIOS traffic from not coming through the firewall if your network is comprised of Windows NT, 2000, and XP?(Choose all that apply.
A. 110
B. 135
C. 139
D. 161
E. 445
F. 1024
Explanation: NetBIOS traffic can quickly be used to enumerate and attack Windows computers. Ports 135, 139, and 445 should be blocked.

682) Which of the following tool would be considered as Signature Integrity Verifier (SIV)?
A. Nmap
C. VirusSCAN
D. Tripwire

683) Under what conditions does a secondary name server request a zone transfer from a primary name server?
A. When a primary SOA is higher that a secondary SOA
B. When a secondary SOA is higher that a primary SOA
C. When a primary name server has had its service restarted
D. When a secondary name server has had its service restarted
E. When the TTL falls to zero
Explanation: Understanding DNS is critical to meeting the requirements of the CEH. When the serial number that is within the SOA record of the primary server is higher than the Serial number within the SOA record of the secondary DNS server, a zone transfer will take place.

684) Attackers footprint target Websites using Google Hacking techniques. Google hacking is a term that refers to the art of creating complex search engine queries. It detects websites that are vulnerable to numerous exploits and vulnerabilities. Google operators are used to locate specific strings of text within the search results. The configuration file contains both a username and a password for an SQL database. Most sites with forums run a PHP message base. This file gives you the keys to that forum, including FULL ADMIN access to the database. WordPress uses config.php that stores the database Username and Password.
Which of the below Google search string brings up sites with “config.php” files?
A. Search:index config/php
B. WordPress:index config.php
C. intitle:index.of config.php
D. Config.php:index list

685) Which of the following tools can be used to perform a zone transfer?
A. NSLookup
B. Finger
C. Dig
D. Sam Spade
E. Host
F. Netcat
G. Neotrace
Explanation: There are a number of tools that can be used to perform a zone transfer. Some of these include: NSLookup, Host, Dig, and Sam Spade. Topic 7, Volume G

686) Choose one of the following pseudo codes to describe this statement: “If we have written 200 characters to the buffer variable, the stack should stop because it cannot hold any more data.”
A. if (I > 200) then exit (1)
B. if (I < 200) then exit (1)
C. if (I <= 200) then exit (1)
D. if (I >= 200) then exit (1)

687) One of the effective DoS/DDoS countermeasures is ‘Throttling’. Which statement correctly defines this term?
A. Set up routers that access a server with logic to adjust incoming traffic to levels that will be safe for the server to process
B. Providers can increase the bandwidth on critical connections to prevent them from going down in the event of an attack
C. Replicating servers that can provide additional failsafe protection
D. Load balance each server in a multiple-server architecture

688) MX record priority increases as the number increases. (True/False)
A. True
B. False
Explanation: The highest priority MX record has the lowest number.

689) You receive an e-mail with the following text message:
“Microsoft and HP today warned all customers that a new, highly dangerous virus has been discovered which will erase all your files at midnight. If there’s a file called hidserv.exe on your computer, you have been infected and your computer is now running a hidden server that allows hackers to access your computer. Delete the file immediately. Please also pass this message to all your friends and colleagues as soon as possible.”
You launch your antivirus software and scan the suspicious looking file hidserv.exe located in c:\windows directory and the AV comes out clean meaning the file is not infected. You view the file signature and confirm that it is a legitimate Windows system file “Human Interface Device Service”.
What category of virus is this?
A. Virus hoax
B. Spooky Virus
C. Stealth Virus
D. Polymorphic Virus

690) One of your team members has asked you to analyze the following SOA record. What is the version?
Rutgers.edu.SOA NS1.Rutgers.edu ipad.college.edu (200302028 3600 3600 604800 2400)
A. 200303028
B. 3600
C. 604800
D. 2400
E. 60
F. 4800
Explanation: The SOA starts with the format of YYYYMMDDVV where VV is the version.

691) In the context of password security: a simple dictionary attack involves loading a dictionary file (a text file full of dictionary words) into a cracking application such as L0phtCrack or John the Ripper, and running it against user accounts located by the application. The larger the word and word fragment selection, the more effective the dictionary attack is. The brute force method is the most inclusive – though slow. Usually, it tries every possible letter and number combination in its automated exploration. If you would use both brute force and dictionary combined together to have variations of words, what would you call such an attack?
A. Full Blown Attack
B. Thorough Attack
C. Hybrid Attack
D. BruteDict Attack

692) One of your team members has asked you to analyze the following SOA record. What is the TTL?
Rutgers.edu.SOA NS1.Rutgers.edu ipad.college.edu (200302028 3600 3600 604800 2400)
A. 200303028
B. 3600
C. 604800
D. 2400
E. 60
F. 4800
Explanation: The SOA includes a timeout value. This value can tell an attacker how long any DNS “poisoning” would last. It is the last set of numbers in the record.

693) This tool is widely used for ARP Poisoning attack.
Name the tool:
A. Cain and Abel
B. Beat Infector
C. Poison Ivy
D. Webarp Infector

694) BankerFox is a Trojan that is designed to steal users’ banking data related to certain banking entities. When they access any website of the affected banks through the vulnerable Firefox 3.5 browser, the Trojan is activated and logs the information entered by the user. All the information entered in that website will be logged by the Trojan and transmitted to the attacker’s machine using covert channel. BankerFox does not spread automatically using its own means. It needs an attacking user’s intervention in order to reach the affected computer.
What is the most efficient way an attacker located in remote location to infect this banking Trojan on a victim’s machine?
A. Physical access – the attacker can simply copy a Trojan horse to a victim’s hard disk infecting the machine via Firefox add-on extensions
B. Custom packaging – the attacker can create a custom Trojan horse that mimics the appearance of a program that is unique to that particular computer
C. Custom packaging – the attacker can create a custom Trojan horse that mimics the appearance of a program that is unique to that particular computer
D. Custom packaging – the attacker can create a custom Trojan horse that mimics the appearance of a program that is unique to that particular computer
E. Downloading software from a website? An attacker can offer free software, such as shareware programs and pirated mp3 files

695) What is the proper response for a NULL scan if the port is closed?
F. No response
Explanation: Closed ports respond to a NULL scan with a reset.

696) Attacking well-known system defaults is one of the most common hacker attacks. Most software is shipped with a default configuration that makes it easy to install and setup the application. You should change the default settings to secure the system. Which of the following is NOT an example of default installation?
A. Many systems come with default user accounts with well-known passwords that administrators forget to change
B. Often, the default location of installation files can be exploited which allows a hacker to retrieve a file from the system
C. Many software packages come with “samples” that can be exploited, such as the sample programs on IIS web services
D. Enabling firewall and anti-virus software on the local system

697) Which address translation scheme would allow a single public IP address to always correspond to a single machine on an internal network, allowing “server publishing”?
A. Overloading Port Address Translation
B. Dynamic Port Address Translation
C. Dynamic Network Address Translation
D. Static Network Address Translation
Explanation: Mapping an unregistered IP address to a registered IP address on a one-to-one basis. Particularly useful when a device needs to be accessible from outside the network.

698) What is the following command used for?
net use \targetipc$ “” /u:”"
A. Grabbing the etc/passwd file
B. Grabbing the SAM
C. Connecting to a Linux computer through Samba.
D. This command is used to connect as a null session
E. Enumeration of Cisco routers
Explanation: The null session is one of the most debilitating vulnerabilities faced by Windows. Null sessions can be established through port 135, 139, and 445.

699) Ursula is a college student at a University in Amsterdam. Ursula originally went to college to study engineering but later changed to marine biology after spending a month at sea with her friends. These friends frequently go out to sea to follow and harass fishing fleets that illegally fish in foreign waters. Ursula eventually wants to put companies practicing illegal fishing out of business. Ursula decides to hack into the parent company’s computers and destroy critical data knowing fully well that, if caught, she probably would be sent to jail for a very long time. What would Ursula be considered?
A. Ursula would be considered a gray hat since she is performing an act against illegal activities.
B. She would be considered a suicide hacker.
C. She would be called a cracker.
D. Ursula would be considered a black hat.

700) Peter extracts the SIDs list from Windows 2000 Server machine using the hacking tool “SIDExtractor”. Here is the output of the SIDs:
From the above list identify the user account with System Administrator privileges.
A. John
B. Rebecca
C. Sheela
D. Shawn
E. Somia
F. Chang
G. Micah
Explanation: The SID of the built-in administrator will always follow this example: S-1-5-domain-500

701) Bob waits near a secured door, holding a box. He waits until an employee walks up to the secured door and uses the special card in order to access the restricted area of the target company. Just as the employee opens the door, Bob walks up to the employee (still holding the box) and asks the employee to hold the door open so that he can enter. What is the best way to undermine the social engineering activity of tailgating?
A. Issue special cards to access secure doors at the company and provide a one-time only brief description of use of the special card
B. Educate and enforce physical security policies of the company to all the employees on a regular basis
C. Setup a mock video camera next to the special card reader adjacent to the secure door
D. Post a sign that states, ”no tailgating” next to the special card reader adjacent to the secure door

702) Bob is acknowledged as a hacker of repute and is popular among visitors of “underground” sites. Bob is willing to share his knowledge with those who are willing to learn, and many have expressed their interest in learning from him. However, this knowledge has a risk associated with it, as it can be used for malevolent attacks as well.
In this context, what would be the most affective method to bridge the knowledge gap between the “black” hats or crackers and the “white” hats or computer security professionals? (Choose the test answer)
A. Educate everyone with books, articles and training on risk analysis, vulnerabilities and safeguards.
B. Hire more computer security monitoring personnel to monitor computer systems and networks.
C. Make obtaining either a computer security certification or accreditation easier to achieve so more individuals feel that they are a part of something larger than life.
D. Train more National Guard and reservist in the art of computer security to help out in times of emergency or crises.
Explanation: Bridging the gap would consist of educating the white hats and the black hats equally so that their knowledge is relatively the same. Using books, articles, the internet, and professional training seminars is a way of completing this goal.

703) Steven the hacker realizes the network administrator of Acme Corporation is using syskey in Windows 2008 Server to protect his resources in the organization. Syskey independently encrypts the hashes so that physical access to the server, tapes, or ERDs is only first step to cracking the passwords. Steven must break through the encryption used by syskey before he can attempt to use brute force dictionary attacks on the hashes. Steven runs a program called “SysCracker” targeting the Windows 2008 Server machine in attempting to crack the hash used by Syskey. He needs to configure the encryption level before he can launch the attack. How many bits does Syskey use for encryption?
A. 40-bit encryption
B. 128-bit encryption
C. 256-bit encryption
D. 64-bit encryption

704) SNMP is a protocol used to query hosts, servers, and devices about performance or health status data. This protocol has long been used by hackers to gather great amount of information about remote hosts.
Which of the following features makes this possible? (Choose two)
A. It used TCP as the underlying protocol.
B. It uses community string that is transmitted in clear text.
C. It is susceptible to sniffing.
D. It is used by all network devices on the market.
Explanation: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a protocol which can be used by administrators to remotely manage a computer or network device. There are typically 2 modes of remote SNMP monitoring. These modes are roughly ‘READ’ and ‘WRITE’ (or PUBLIC and PRIVATE). If an attacker is able to guess a PUBLIC community string, they would be able to read SNMP data (depending on which MIBs are installed) from the remote device. This information might include system time, IP addresses, interfaces, processes running, etc. Version 1 of SNMP has been criticized for its poor security. Authentication of clients is performed only by a “community string”, in effect a type of password, which is transmitted in cleartext.

705) What is War Dialing?
A. War dialing involves the use of a program in conjunction with a modem to penetrate the modem/PBX-based systems
B. War dialing is a vulnerability scanning technique that penetrates Firewalls
C. It is a social engineering technique that uses Phone calls to trick victims
D. Involves IDS Scanning Fragments to bypass Internet filters and stateful Firewalls

706) Sandra has been actively scanning the client network on which she is doing a vulnerability assessment test. While conducting a port scan she notices open ports in the range of 135 to 139. What protocol is most likely to be listening on those ports?
A. Finger
C. Samba
Explanation: The SMB (Server Message Block) protocol is used among other things for file sharing in Windows NT / 2000. In Windows NT it ran on top of NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP), which used the famous ports 137, 138 (UDP) and 139 (TCP). In Windows 2000, Microsoft added the possibility to run SMB directly over TCP/IP, without the extra layer of NBT. For this they use TCP port 445.

707) Bret is a web application administrator and has just read that there are a number of surprisingly common web application vulnerabilities that can be exploited by unsophisticated attackers with easily available tools on the Internet. He has also read that when an organization deploys a web application, they invite the world to send HTTP requests. Attacks buried in these requests sail past firewalls, filters, platform hardening, SSL, and IDS without notice because they are inside legal HTTP requests. Bret is determined to weed out vulnerabilities.
What are some of the common vulnerabilities in web applications that he should be concerned about?
A. Non-validated parameters, broken access control, broken account and session management, cross-site scripting and buffer overflows are just a few common vulnerabilities
B. Visible clear text passwords, anonymous user account set as default, missing latest security patch, no firewall filters set and no SSL configured are just a few common vulnerabilities
C. No SSL configured, anonymous user account set as default, missing latest security patch, no firewall filters set and an inattentive system administrator are just a few common vulnerabilities
D. No IDS configured, anonymous user account set as default, missing latest security patch, no firewall filters set and visible clear text passwords are just a few common vulnerabilities

708) Which Type of scan sends a packets with no flags set? Select the Answer
A. Open Scan
B. Null Scan
C. Xmas Scan
D. Half-Open Scan
Explanation: The types of port connections supported are:
  • TCP Full Connect: This mode makes a full connection to the target’s TCP ports and can save any data or banners returned from the target. This mode is the most accurate for determining TCP services, but it is also easily recognized by Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
  • UDP ICMP Port Unreachable Connect: This mode sends a short UDP packet to the target’s UDP ports and looks for an ICMP Port Unreachable message in return. The absence of that message indicates either the port is used, or the target does not return the ICMP message which can lead to false positives. It can save any data or banners returned from the target. This mode is also easily recognized by IDS.
  • TCP Full/UDP ICMP Combined: This mode combines the previous two modes into one operation.
  • TCP SYN Half Open: (Windows XP/2000 only) This mode sends out a SYN packet to the target port and listens for the appropriate response. Open ports respond with a SYN|ACK and closed ports respond with ACK|RST or RST. This mode is less likely to be noted by IDS, but since the connection is never fully completed, it cannot gather data or banner information. However, the attacker has full control over TTL, Source Port, MTU, Sequence number, and Window parameters in the SYN packet.
  • TCP Other: (Windows XP/2000 only) This mode sends out a TCP packet with any combination of the SYN, FIN, ACK, RST, PSH, URG flags set to the target port and listens for the response. Again, the attacker can have full control over TTL, Source Port, MTU, Sequence number, and Window parameters in the custom TCP packet. The Analyze feature helps with analyzing the response based on the flag settings chosen. Each operating system responds differently to these special combinations. The tool includes presets for XMAS, NULL, FIN and ACK flag settings.

709) Attackers target HINFO record types stored on a DNS server to enumerate information. These are information records and potential source for reconnaissance. A network administrator has the option of entering host information specifically the CPU type and operating system when creating a new DNS record. An attacker can extract this type of information easily from a DNS server. Which of the following commands extracts the HINFO record?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

710) Study the log below and identify the scan type.
A. nmap -sR
B. nmap -sS
C. nmap -sV
D. nmap -sO -T

711) Why would an attacker want to perform a scan on port 137?
A. To discover proxy servers on a network
B. To disrupt the NetBIOS SMB service on the target host
C. To check for file and print sharing on Windows systems
D. To discover information about a target host using NBTSTAT
Explanation: Microsoft encapsulates netbios information withinTCP/Ip using ports 135-139. It is trivial for an attacker to issue the following command:
nbtstat -A (your Ip address)
From their windows machine and collect information about your window smachine (if you are not blocking traffic to port 137 at your borders).

712) An attacker has successfully compromised a remote computer. Which of the following comes as one of the last steps that should be taken to ensure that the compromise cannot be traced back to the source of the problem?
A. Install patches
B. Setup a backdoor
C. Install a zombie for DDOS
D. Cover your tracks

713) You have initiated an active operating system fingerprinting attempt with nmap against a target system:
What operating system is the target host running based on the open ports shown above?
A. Windows XP
B. Windows 98 SE
C. Windows NT4 Server
D. Windows 2000 Server
Explanation: The system is reachable as an active directory domain controller (port 389, LDAP)

714) Web servers often contain directories that do not need to be indexed. You create a text file with search engine indexing restrictions and place it on the root directory of the Web Server.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /banners/
Disallow: /Forms/
Disallow: /Dictionary/
Disallow: /_borders/
Disallow: /_fpclass/
Disallow: /_overlay/
Disallow: /_private/
Disallow: /_themes/
What is the name of this file?
A. robots.txt
B. search.txt
C. blocklist.txt
D. spf.txt

715) Which of the following command line switch would you use for OS detection in Nmap?
A. -D
B. -O
C. -P
D. -X
Explanation: OS DETECTION:
-O: Enable OS detection (try 2nd generation w/fallback to 1st)
-O2: Only use the new OS detection system (no fallback)
-O1: Only use the old (1st generation) OS detection system
--osscan-limit: Limit OS detection to promising targets
--osscan-guess: Guess OS more aggressively

716) In Buffer Overflow exploit, which of the following registers gets overwritten with return address of the exploit code?

717) Which of the following commands runs snort in packet logger mode?
A. ./snort -dev -h ./log
B. ./snort -dev -l ./log
C. ./snort -dev -o ./log
D. ./snort -dev -p ./log
Explanation: Note: If you want to store the packages in binary mode for later analysis use ./snort -l ./log -b

718) Maintaining a secure Web server requires constant effort, resources, and vigilance from an organization. Securely administering a Web server on a daily basis is an essential aspect of Web server security.
Maintaining the security of a Web server will usually involve the following steps:
1. Configuring, protecting, and analyzing log files
2. Backing up critical information frequently
3. Maintaining a protected authoritative copy of the organization’s Web content
4. Establishing and following procedures for recovering from compromise
5. Testing and applying patches in a timely manner
6. Testing security periodically.
In which step would you engage a forensic investigator?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
F. 6

719) A specific site received 91 ICMP_ECHO packets within 90 minutes from 47 different sites. 77 of the ICMP_ECHO packets had an ICMP ID:39612 and Seq:57072. 13 of the ICMP_ECHO packets had an ICMP ID:0 and Seq:0. What can you infer from this information?
A. The packets were sent by a worm spoofing the IP addresses of 47 infected sites
B. ICMP ID and Seq numbers were most likely set by a tool and not by the operating system
C. All 77 packets came from the same LAN segment and hence had the same ICMP ID and Seq number
D. 13 packets were from an external network and probably behind a NAT, as they had an ICMP ID 0 and Seq 0

720) What type of Trojan is this?
A. RAT Trojan
B. E-Mail Trojan
C. Defacement Trojan
D. Destructing Trojan
E. Denial of Service Trojan

721) An nmap command that includes the host specification of 202.176.56-57.* will scan _______ number of hosts.
A. 2
B. 256
C. 512
D. Over 10, 000
Explanation: The hosts with IP address & will be scanned (256+256=512)

722) Consider the following code:
If an attacker can trick a victim user to click a link like this, and the Web application does not validate input, then the victim’s browser will pop up an alert showing the users current set of cookies. An attacker can do much more damage, including stealing passwords, resetting your home page, or redirecting the user to another Web site. What is the countermeasure against XSS scripting?
A. Create an IP access list and restrict connections based on port number
B. Replace “<” and “>” characters with “& l t;” and “& g t;” using server scripts
C. Disable Javascript in IE and Firefox browsers
D. Connect to the server using HTTPS protocol instead of HTTP

723) Samuel is the network administrator of DataX Communications, Inc. He is trying to configure his firewall to block password brute force attempts on his network. He enables blocking the intruder’s IP address for a period of 24 hours’ time after more than three unsuccessful attempts. He is confident that this rule will secure his network from hackers on the Internet. But he still receives hundreds of thousands brute-force attempts generated from various IP addresses around the world. After some investigation he realizes that the intruders are using a proxy somewhere else on the Internet which has been scripted to enable the random usage of various proxies on each request so as not to get caught by the firewall rule.
Later he adds another rule to his firewall and enables small sleep on the password attempt so that if the password is incorrect, it would take 45 seconds to return to the user to begin another attempt. Since an intruder may use multiple machines to brute force the password, he also throttles the number of connections that will be prepared to accept from a particular IP address.
This action will slow the intruder’s attempts. Samuel wants to completely block hackers brute force attempts on his network. What are the alternatives to defending against possible brute-force password attacks on his site?
A. Enforce a password policy and use account lockouts after three wrong logon attempts even though this might lock out legit users
B. Enable the IDS to monitor the intrusion attempts and alert you by e-mail about the IP address of the intruder so that you can block them at the Firewall manually
C. Enforce complex password policy on your network so that passwords are more difficult to brute force
D. You cannot completely block the intruders attempt if they constantly switch proxies

724) A distributed port scan operates by:
A. Blocking access to the scanning clients by the targeted host
B. Using denial-of-service software against a range of TCP ports
C. Blocking access to the targeted host by each of the distributed scanning clients
D. Having multiple computers each scan a small number of ports, then correlating the results
Explanation: Think of dDoS (distributed Denial of Service) where you use a large number of computers to create simultaneous traffic against a victim in order to shut them down.

725) While performing a ping sweep of a local subnet you receive an ICMP reply of Code 3/Type 13 for all the pings you have sent out. What is the most likely cause of this?
A. The firewall is dropping the packets
B. An in-line IDS is dropping the packets
C. A router is blocking ICMP
D. The host does not respond to ICMP packets

726) Neil notices that a single address is generating traffic from its port 500 to port 500 of several other machines on the network. This scan is eating up most of the network bandwidth and Neil is concerned. As a security professional, what would you infer from this scan?
A. It is a network fault and the originating machine is in a network loop
B. It is a worm that is malfunctioning or hardcoded to scan on port 500
C. The attacker is trying to detect machines on the network which have SSL enabled
D. The attacker is trying to determine the type of VPN implementation and checking for IPSec
Explanation: Port 500 is used by IKE (Internet Key Exchange). This is typically used for IPSEC based VPN software, such as Freeswan, PGPnet, and various vendors of in-a-box VPN solutions such as Cisco. IKE is used to set up the session keys. The actual session is usually sent with ESP (Encapsulated Security Payload) packets, IP protocol 50 (but some in-a-box VPN’s such as Cisco are capable of negotiating to send the encrypted tunnel over a UDP channel, which is useful for use across firewalls that block IP protocols other than TCP or UDP).

727) How would you describe an attack where an attacker attempts to deliver the payload over multiple packets over long periods of time with the purpose of defeating simple pattern matching in IDS systems without session reconstruction? A characteristic of this attack would be a continuous stream of small packets.
A. Session Hijacking
B. Session Stealing
C. Session Splicing
D. Session Fragmentation

728) Jake works as a system administrator at Acme Corp. Jason, an accountant of the firm befriends him at the canteen and tags along with him on the pretext of appraising him about potential tax benefits. Jason waits for Jake to swipe his access card and follows him through the open door into the secure systems area. How would you describe Jason’s behavior within a security context?
A. Smooth Talking
B. Swipe Gating
C. Tailgating
D. Trailing

729) While performing ping scans into a target network you get a frantic call from the organization’s security team. They report that they are under a denial of service attack. When you stop your scan, the smurf attack event stops showing up on the organization’s IDS monitor. How can you modify your scan to prevent triggering this event in the IDS?
A. Scan more slowly.
B. Do not scan the broadcast IP.
C. Spoof the source IP address.
D. Only scan the Windows systems.
Explanation: Scanning the broadcast address makes the scan target all IP addresses on that subnet at the same time.

730) Fake Anti-Virus, is one of the most frequently encountered and persistent threats on the web. This malware uses social engineering to lure users into infected websites with a technique called Search Engine Optimization. Once the Fake AV is downloaded into the user’s computer, the software will scare them into believing their system is infected with threats that do not really exist, and then push users to purchase services to clean up the non-existent threats. The Fake AntiVirus will continue to send these annoying and intrusive alerts until a payment is made.
What is the risk of installing Fake AntiVirus?
A. Victim’s Operating System versions, services running and applications installed will be published on Blogs and Forums
B. Victim’s personally identifiable information such as billing address and credit card details, may be extracted and exploited by the attacker
C. Once infected, the computer will be unable to boot and the Trojan will attempt to format the hard disk
D. Denial of Service attack will be launched against the infected computer crashing other machines on the connected network

731) You are manually conducting Idle Scanning using Hping2. During your scanning you notice that almost every query increments the IPID regardless of the port being queried. One or two of the queries cause the IPID to increment by more than one value. Why do you think this occurs?
A. The zombie you are using is not truly idle.
B. A stateful inspection firewall is resetting your queries.
C. Hping2 cannot be used for idle scanning.
D. These ports are actually open on the target system.
Explanation: If the IPID is incremented by more than the normal increment for this type of system it means that the system is interacting with some other system beside yours and has sent packets to an unknown host between the packets destined for you.

732) Most cases of insider abuse can be traced to individuals who are introverted, incapable of dealing with stress or conflict, and frustrated with their job, office politics, and lack of respect or promotion. Disgruntled employees may pass company secrets and intellectual property to competitors for monitory benefits. Here are some of the symptoms of a disgruntled employee:
a. Frequently leaves work early, arrive late or call in sick
b. Spends time surfing the Internet or on the phone
c. Responds in a confrontational, angry, or overly aggressive way to simple requests or comments
d. Always negative; finds fault with everything
These disgruntled employees are the biggest threat to enterprise security. How do you deal with these threats? (Select 2 answers)
A. Limit access to the applications they can run on their desktop computers and enforce strict work hour rules
B. By implementing Virtualization technology from the desktop to the data centre, organizations can isolate different environments with varying levels of access and security to various employees
C. Organizations must ensure that their corporate data is centrally managed and delivered to users just and when needed
D. Limit Internet access, e-mail communications, access to social networking sites and job hunting portals

733) While reviewing the result of scanning run against a target network you come across the following:
Which among the following can be used to get this output?
A. A Bo2k system query.
B. nmap protocol scan
C. A sniffer
D. An SNMP walk
Explanation: SNMP lets you “read” information from a device. You make a query of the server (generally known as the “agent”). The agent gathers the information from the host system and returns the answer to your SNMP client. It’s like having a single interface for all your informative Unix commands. Output like system.sysContact.0 is called a MIB.

734) XSS attacks occur on Web pages that do not perform appropriate bounds checking on data entered by users. Characters like < > that mark the beginning/end of a tag should be converted into HTML entities.

What is the correct code when converted to html entities?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

735) Sandra is the security administrator of XYZ.com. One day she notices that the XYZ.com Oracle database server has been compromised and customer information along with financial data has been stolen. The financial loss will be estimated in millions of dollars if the database gets into the hands of competitors. Sandra wants to report this crime to the law enforcement agencies immediately.
Which organization coordinates computer crime investigations throughout the United States?

736) You want to capture Facebook website traffic in Wireshark. What display filter should you use that shows all TCP packets that contain the word ‘facebook’?
A. display==facebook
B. traffic.content==facebook
C. tcp contains facebook
D. list.display.facebook

737) Name two software tools used for OS guessing? (Choose two.
A. Nmap
B. Snadboy
C. Queso
D. UserInfo
E. NetBus
Explanation: Nmap and Queso are the two best-known OS guessing programs. OS guessing software has the ability to look at peculiarities in the way that each vendor implements the RFC’s. These differences are compared with its database of known OS fingerprints. Then a best guess of the OS is provided to the user.

738) David is a security administrator working in Boston. David has been asked by the office’s manager to block all POP3 traffic at the firewall because he believes employees are spending too much time reading personal email. How can David block POP3 at the firewall?
A. David can block port 125 at the firewall.
B. David can block all EHLO requests that originate from inside the office.
C. David can stop POP3 traffic by blocking all HELO requests that originate from inside the office.
D. David can block port 110 to block all POP3 traffic.

739) Which type of Nmap scan is the most reliable, but also the most visible, and likely to be picked up by and IDS?
A. SYN scan
B. ACK scan
C. RST scan
D. Connect scan
E. FIN scan
Explanation: The TCP full connect (-sT) scan is the most reliable.

740) Cyber Criminals have long employed the tactic of masking their true identity. In IP spoofing, an attacker gains unauthorized access to a computer or a network by making it appear that a malicious message has come from a trusted machine, by “spoofing” the IP address of that machine.
How would you detect IP spoofing?
A. Check the IPID of the spoofed packet and compare it with TLC checksum. If the numbers match then it is spoofed packet
B. Probe a SYN Scan on the claimed host and look for a response SYN/FIN packet, if the connection completes then it is a spoofed packet
C. Turn on ‘Enable Spoofed IP Detection’ in Wireshark, you will see a flag tick if the packet is spoofed
D. Sending a packet to the claimed host will result in a reply. If the TTL in the reply is not the same as the packet being checked then it is a spoofed packet

(Note: the student is being tested on concepts learnt during passive OS fingerprinting, basic TCP/IP connection concepts and the ability to read packet signatures from a sniff dump.) Snort has been used to capture packets on the network. On studying the packets, the penetration tester finds it to be abnormal. If you were the penetration tester, why would you find this abnormal?
What is odd about this attack? Choose the best answer.
A. This is not a spoofed packet as the IP stack has increasing numbers for the three flags.
B. This is back orifice activity as the scan comes form port 31337.
C. The attacker wants to avoid creating a sub-carries connection that is not normally valid.
D. These packets were crafted by a tool, they were not created by a standard IP stack.
Explanation: Port 31337 is normally used by Back Orifice. Note that 31337 is hackers spelling of ‘elite’, meaning ‘elite hackers’.

742) Which Steganography technique uses Whitespace to hide secret messages?
A. Snow
B. Beetle
C. Magnet
D. Cat

743) Destination unreachable administratively prohibited messages can inform the hacker to what?
A. That a circuit level proxy has been installed and is filtering traffic
B. That his/her scans are being blocked by a honeypot or jail
C. That the packets are being malformed by the scanning software
D. That a router or other packet-filtering device is blocking traffic
E. That the network is functioning normally
Explanation: Destination unreachable administratively prohibited messages are a good way to discover that a router or other low-level packet device is filtering traffic. Analysis of the ICMP message will reveal the IP address of the blocking device and the filtered port. This further adds the to the network map and information being discovered about the network and hosts.

744) Which of the following Nmap commands would be used to perform a stack fingerprinting?
A. Nmap -O -p80 <host(s)>
B. Nmap -hU -Q<host(s)>
C. Nmap -sT -p <host(s)>
D. Nmap -u -o -w2 <host>
E. Nmap -sS -0p target
Explanation: This option activates remote host identification via TCP/IP fingerprinting. In other words, it uses a bunch of techniques to detect subtlety in the underlying operating system network stack of the computers you are scanning. It uses this information to create a “fingerprint” which it compares with its database of known OS fingerprints (the nmap-os-fingerprints file. to decide what type of system you are scanning.

745) A rootkit is a collection of tools (programs) that enable administrator-level access to a computer. This program hides itself deep into an operating system for malicious activity and is extremely difficult to detect. The malicious software operates in a stealth fashion by hiding its files, processes and registry keys and may be used to create a hidden directory or folder designed to keep out of view from a user’s operating system and security software.
What privilege level does a rootkit require to infect successfully on a Victim’s machine?
A. User level privileges
B. Ring 3 Privileges
C. System level privileges
D. Kernel level privileges

746) What does a type 3 code 13 represent?(Choose two)
A. Echo request
B. Destination unreachable
C. Network unreachable
D. Administratively prohibited
E. Port unreachable
F. Time exceeded
Explanation: Type 3 code 13 is destination unreachable administratively prohibited. This type of message is typically returned from a device blocking a port.

747) What is a sniffing performed on a switched network called?
A. Spoofed sniffing
B. Passive sniffing
C. Direct sniffing
D. Active sniffing

748) What are two things that are possible when scanning UDP ports? (Choose two)
A. A reset will be returned
B. An ICMP message will be returned
C. The four-way handshake will not be completed
D. An RFC 1294 message will be returned
E. Nothing
Explanation: Closed UDP ports can return an ICMP type 3 code 3 message. No response can mean the port is open or the packet was silently dropped

749) In what stage of Virus life does a stealth virus gets activated with the user performing certain actions such as running an infected program?
A. Design
B. Elimination
C. Incorporation
D. Replication
E. Launch
F. Detection

750) What is the disadvantage of an automated vulnerability assessment tool?
A. Ineffective
B. Slow
C. Prone to false positives
D. Prone to false negatives
E. Noisy
Explanation: Vulnerability assessment tools perform a good analysis of system vulnerabilities; however, they are noisy and will quickly trip IDS systems.

751) You are the Security Administrator of Xtrinity, Inc. You write security policies and conduct assessments to protect the company’s network. During one of your periodic checks to see how well policy is being observed by the employees, you discover an employee has attached cell hone 3G modem to his telephone line and workstation. He has used this cell phone 3G modem to dial in to his workstation, thereby bypassing your firewall. A security breach has occurred as a direct result of this activity. The employee explains that he used the modem because he had to download software for a department project. How would you resolve this situation?
A. Reconfigure the firewall
B. Enforce the corporate security policy
C. Install a network-based IDS
D. Conduct a needs analysis

752) John is using a special tool on his Linux platform that has a signature database and is therefore able to detect hundred of vulnerabilities in UNIX, Windows, and commonly-used web CGI scripts. Additionally, the database detects DDoS zombies and Trojans. What would be the name of this multifunctional tool?
A. nmap
B. hping
C. nessus
D. make
Explanation: Nessus is the world’s most popular vulnerability scanner, estimated to be used by over 75, 000 organizations world-wide. Nmap is mostly used for scanning, not for detecting vulnerabilities. Hping is a free packet generator and analyzer for the TCP/IP protocol and make is used to automatically build large applications on the *nix plattform.

753) What file system vulnerability does the following command take advantage of?
type c:\anyfile.exe > c:\winnt\system32\calc.exe:anyfile.exe
B. Backdoor access

754) Which of the following is an automated vulnerability assessment tool?
A. Whack a Mole
B. Nmap
C. Nessus
D. Kismet
E. Jill32
Explanation: Nessus is a vulnerability assessment tool.

755) A common technique for luring e-mail users into opening virus-launching attachments is to send messages that would appear to be relevant or important to many of their potential recipients. One way of accomplishing this feat is to make the virus-carrying messages appear to come from some type of business entity retailing sites, UPS, FEDEX, CITIBANK or a major provider of a common service.
Here is a fraudulent e-mail claiming to be from FedEx regarding a package that could not be delivered. This mail asks the receiver to open an attachment in order to obtain the FEDEX tracking number for picking up the package. The attachment contained in this type of e-mail activates a virus.
Vendors send e-mails like this to their customers advising them not to open any files attached with the mail, as they do not include attachments. Fraudulent e-mail and legit e-mail that arrives in your inbox contain the fedex.com as the sender of the mail.
How do you ensure if the e-mail is authentic and sent from fedex.com?
A. Verify the digital signature attached with the mail, the fake mail will not have Digital ID at all
B. Check the Sender ID against the National Spam Database (NSD)
C. Fake mail will have spelling/grammatical errors
D. Fake mail uses extensive images, animation and flash content

756) What flags are set in a X-MAS scan? (Choose all that apply)
Explanation: FIN, URG, and PSH are set high in the TCP packet for a X-MAS scan

757) This attack technique is used when a Web application is vulnerable to an SQL Injection but the results of the Injection are not visible to the attacker.
A. Unique SQL Injection
B. Blind SQL Injection
C. Generic SQL Injection
D. Double SQL Injection

758) What is the proper response for a X-MAS scan if the port is closed?
F. No response
Explanation: Closed ports respond to a X-MAS scan with a RST.

759) Annie has just succeeded in stealing a secure cookie via a XSS attack. She is able to replay the cookie even while the session is invalid on the server. Why do you think this is possible?
A. It works because encryption is performed at the application layer (single encryption key)
B. The scenario is invalid as a secure cookie cannot be replayed
C. It works because encryption is performed at the network layer (layer 1 encryption)
D. Any cookie can be replayed irrespective of the session status

760) What is the proper response for a FIN scan if the port is closed?
Explanation: Closed ports respond to a FIN scan with a RST.

761) What does FIN in TCP flag define?
A. Used to abort a TCP connection abruptly
B. Used to close a TCP connection
C. Used to acknowledge receipt of a previous packet or transmission
D. Used to indicate the beginning of a TCP connection

762) Which of the following ICMP message types are used for destinations unreachables?
A. 0
B. 3
C. 11
D. 13
E. 17
Explanation: Type 3 messages are used for unreachable messages. 0 is Echo Reply, 8 is Echo request, 11 is time exceeded, 13 is timestamp and 17 is subnet mask request. Learning these would be advisable for the test.

763) What port number is used by Kerberos protocol?
A. 88
B. 44
C. 487
D. 419

764) What are the default passwords used by SNMP? (Choose two.)
A. Password
C. Private
D. Administrator
E. Public
F. Blank
Explanation: Besides the fact that it passes information in clear text, SNMP also uses well-known passwords. Public and private are the default passwords used by SNMP.

765) Shayla is an IT security consultant, specializing in social engineering and external penetration tests. Shayla has been hired on by Treks Avionics, a subcontractor for the Department of Defense. Shayla has been given authority to perform any and all tests necessary to audit the company’s network security. No employees for the company, other than the IT director, know about Shayla’s work she will be doing. Shayla’s first step is to obtain a list of employees through company website contact pages. Then she befriends a female employee of the company through an online chat website. After meeting with the female employee numerous times, Shayla is able to gain her trust and they become friends. One day, Shayla steals the employee’s access badge and uses it to gain unauthorized access to the Treks Avionics offices.
What type of insider threat would Shayla be considered?
A. She would be considered an Insider Affiliate
B. Because she does not have any legal access herself, Shayla would be considered an Outside Affiliate
C. Shayla is an Insider Associate since she has befriended an actual employee
D. Since Shayla obtained access with a legitimate company badge; she would be considered a Pure Insider

766) _________ is one of the programs used to wardial.
A. DialIT
B. Netstumbler
C. TooPac
D. Kismet
E. ToneLoc
Explanation: ToneLoc is one of the programs used to wardial. While this is considered an “old school” technique, it is still effective at finding backdoors and out of band network entry points.

767) Which type of hacker represents the highest risk to your network?
A. Black hat hackers
B. Grey hat hackers
C. Disgruntled employees
D. Script kiddies

768) When Nmap performs a ping sweep, which of the following sets of requests does it send to the target device?
Explanation: The default behavior of NMAP is to do both an ICMP ping sweep (the usual kind of ping) and a TCP port 80 ACK ping sweep. If an admin is logging these this will be fairly characteristic of NMAP.

769) Your computer is infected by E-mail tracking and spying Trojan. This Trojan infects the computer with a single file: emos.sys. Which step would you perform to detect this type of Trojan?
A. Scan for suspicious startup programs using msconfig
B. Scan for suspicious network activities using Wireshark
C. Scan for suspicious device drivers in c:\windows\system32\drivers
D. Scan for suspicious open ports using netstat

770) While attempting to discover the remote operating system on the target computer, you receive the following results from an nmap scan:
Remote operating system guess: Too many signatures match to reliably guess the OS.
Nmap run completed — 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 277.483 seconds
What should be your next step to identify the OS?
A. Perform a firewalk with that system as the target IP
B. Perform a tcp traceroute to the system using port 53
C. Run an nmap scan with the -v-v option to give a better output
D. Connect to the active services and review the banner information
Explanation: Most people don’t care about changing the banners presented by applications listening to open ports and therefore you should get fairly accurate information when grabbing banners from open ports with, for example, a telnet application.

771) In the context of Trojans, what is the definition of a Wrapper?
A. An encryption tool to protect the Trojan
B. A tool used to bind the Trojan with a legitimate file
C. A tool used to calculate bandwidth and CPU cycles wasted by the Trojan
D. A tool used to encapsulate packets within a new header and footer
Explanation: Wrapper does not change header or footer of any packets but it mix between legitimate file and Trojan file.

772) Use the traceroute results shown above to answer the following question:
The perimeter security at targetcorp.com does not permit ICMP TTL-expired packets out.
A. True
B. False
Explanation: As seen in the exhibit there is 2 registrations with timeout, this tells us that the firewall filters packets where the TTL has reached 0, when you continue with higher starting values for TTL you will get an answer from the target of the traceroute.

773) You just purchased the latest DELL computer, which comes pre-installed with Windows 7, McAfee antivirus software and a host of other applications. You want to connect Ethernet wire to your cable modem and start using the computer immediately. Windows is dangerously insecure when unpacked from the box, and there are a few things that you must do before you use it.
A. New installation of Windows should be patched by installing the latest service packs and hotfixes
B. Key applications such as Adobe Acrobat, Macromedia Flash, Java, Winzip etc., must have the latest security patches installed
C. Install a personal firewall and lock down unused ports from connecting to your computer
D. Install the latest signatures for Antivirus software
E. Configure “Windows Update” to automatic
F. Create a non-admin user with a complex password and logon to this account
G. You can start using your computer as vendors such as DELL, HP and IBM would have already installed the latest service packs.

774) Which of the following systems would not respond correctly to an nmap XMAS scan?
A. Windows 2000 Server running IIS 5
B. Any Solaris version running SAMBA Server
C. Any version of IRIX
D. RedHat Linux 8.0 running Apache Web Server
Explanation: When running a XMAS Scan, if a RST packet is received, the port is considered closed, while no response means it is open|filtered. The big downside is that not all systems follow RFC 793 to the letter. A number of systems send RST responses to the probes regardless of whether the port is open or not. This causes all of the ports to be labeled closed. Major operating systems that do this are Microsoft Windows, many Cisco devices, BSDI, and IBM OS/400.

775) You want to hide a secret.txt document inside c:\windows\system32\tcpip.dll kernel library using ADS streams. How will you accomplish this?
A. copy secret.txt c:\windows\system32\tcpip.dll kernel>secret.txt
B. copy secret.txt c:\windows\system32\tcpip.dll:secret.txt
C. copy secret.txt c:\windows\system32\tcpip.dll |secret.txt
D. copy secret.txt >< c:\windows\system32\tcpip.dll kernel secret.txt

776) What ICMP message types are used by the ping command?
A. Timestamp request (13) and timestamp reply (14)
B. Echo request (8) and Echo reply (0)
C. Echo request (0) and Echo reply (1)
D. Ping request (1) and Ping reply (2)
Explanation: ICMP Type 0 = Echo Reply, ICMP Type 8 = Echo

777) In which part of OSI layer, ARP Poisoning occurs?
A. Transport Layer
B. Datalink Layer
C. Physical Layer
D. Application layer

778) Because UDP is a connectionless protocol: (Select 2)
A. UDP recvfrom() and write() scanning will yield reliable results
B. It can only be used for Connect scans
C. It can only be used for SYN scans
D. There is no guarantee that the UDP packets will arrive at their destination
E. ICMP port unreachable messages may not be returned successfully
Explanation: Neither UDP packets, nor the ICMP errors are guaranteed to arrive, so UDP scanners must also implement retransmission of packets that appear to be lost (or you will get a bunch of false positives).

779) TCP/IP Session Hijacking is carried out in which OSI layer?
A. Datalink layer
B. Transport layer
C. Network layer
D. Physical layer

780) What does an ICMP (Code 13) message normally indicates?
A. It indicates that the destination host is unreachable
B. It indicates to the host that the datagram which triggered the source quench message will need to be re-sent
C. It indicates that the packet has been administratively dropped in transit
D. It is a request to the host to cut back the rate at which it is sending traffic to the Internet destination
Explanation: CODE 13 and type 3 is destination unreachable due to communication administratively prohibited by filtering hence maybe they meant “code 13″, therefore would be C).
Note: A. Type 3, B. Type 4, C. Type 3 Code 13, D. Type 4

781) SNMP is a connectionless protocol that uses UDP instead of TCP packets (True or False)
A. True
B. False

782) What port scanning method is the most reliable but also the most detectable?
A. Null Scanning
B. Connect Scanning
C. ICMP Scanning
D. Idlescan Scanning
E. Half Scanning
F. Verbose Scanning
Explanation: A TCP Connect scan, named after the Unix connect() system call is the most accurate scanning method. If a port is open the operating system completes the TCP three-way handshake, and the port scanner immediately closes the connection.

783) What is the correct command to run Netcat on a server using port 56 that spawns command shell when connected?
A. nc -port 56 -s cmd.exe
B. nc -p 56 -p -e shell.exe
C. nc -r 56 -c cmd.exe
D. nc -L 56 -t -e cmd.exe

784) What port scanning method involves sending spoofed packets to a target system and then looking for adjustments to the IPID on a zombie system?
A. Blind Port Scanning
B. Idle Scanning
C. Bounce Scanning
D. Stealth Scanning
E. UDP Scanning
Explanation: From NMAP:
-sI <zombie host[:probeport]> Idlescan: This advanced scan method allows for a truly blind TCP port scan of the target (meaning no packets are sent to the tar- get from your real IP address). Instead, a unique side-channel attack exploits predictable “IP fragmentation ID” sequence generation on the zombie hostto glean information about the open ports on the target.

785) Which of the following statements would NOT be a proper definition for a Trojan Horse?
A. An authorized program that has been designed to capture keyboard keystroke while the user is unaware of such activity being performed
B. An unauthorized program contained within a legitimate program. This unauthorized program performs functions unknown (and probably unwanted) by the user
C. A legitimate program that has been altered by the placement of unauthorized code within it; this code performs functions unknown (and probably unwanted) by the user
D. Any program that appears to perform a desirable and necessary function but that (because of unauthorized code within it that is unknown to the user) performs functions unknown (and definitely unwanted) by the user

786) An Nmap scan shows the following open ports, and nmap also reports that the OS guessing results to match too many signatures hence it cannot reliably be identified:
21 ftp
23 telnet
80 http
443 https
What does this suggest?
A. This is a Windows Domain Controller
B. The host is not firewalled
C. The host is not a Linux or Solaris system
D. The host is not properly patched
Explanation: If the answer was A nmap would guess it, it holds the MS signature database, the host not being firewalled makes no difference.The host is not linux or solaris, well it very well could be. The host is not properly patched? That is the closest; nmaps OS detection architecture is based solely off the TCP ISN issued by the operating systems TCP/IP stack, if the stack is modified to show output from randomized ISN’s or if your using a program to change the ISN then OS detection will fail. If the TCP/IP IP ID’s are modified then os detection could also fail, because the machine would most likely come back as being down.

787) This attack uses social engineering techniques to trick users into accessing a fake Web site and divulging personal information. Attackers send a legitimate-looking e-mail asking users to update their information on the company’s Web site, but the URLs in the e-mail actually point to a false Web site.
A. Wiresharp attack
B. Switch and bait attack
C. Phishing attack
D. Man-in-the-Middle attack

788) John has scanned the web server with NMAP. However, he could not gather enough information to help him identify the operating system running on the remote host accurately. What would you suggest to John to help identify the OS that is being used on the remote web server?
A. Connect to the web server with a browser and look at the web page.
B. Connect to the web server with an FTP client.
C. Telnet to port 8080 on the web server and look at the default page code.
D. Telnet to an open port and grab the banner.
Explanation: Most people don’t care about changing the banners presented by applications listening to open ports and therefore you should get fairly accurate information when grabbing banners from open ports with, for example, a telnet application.

789) Syslog is a standard for logging program messages. It allows separation of the software that generates messages from the system that stores them and the software that reports and analyzes them. It also provides devices, which would otherwise be unable to communicate a means to notify administrators of problems or performance.
What default port Syslog daemon listens on?
A. 242
B. 312
C. 416
D. 514

790) You are having problems while retrieving results after performing port scanning during internal testing. You verify that there are no security devices between you and the target system. When both stealth and connect scanning do not work, you decide to perform a NULL scan with NMAP. The first few systems scanned shows all ports open.
Which one of the following statements is probably true?
A. The systems have all ports open.
B. The systems are running a host based IDS.
C. The systems are web servers.
D. The systems are running Windows.
Explanation: The null scan turns off all flags, creating a lack of TCP flags that should never occur in the real world. If the port is closed, a RST frame should be returned and a null scan to an open port results in no response. Unfortunately Microsoft (like usual) decided to completely ignore the standard and do things their own way. Thus this scan type will not work against systems running Windows as they choose not to response at all. This is a good way to distinguish that the system being scanned is running Microsoft Windows.

791) In Trojan terminology, what is required to create the executable file chess.exe as shown below?
A. Mixer
B. Converter
C. Wrapper
D. Zipper

792) What are two types of ICMP code used when using the ping command?
A. It uses types 0 and 8.
B. It uses types 13 and 14.
C. It uses types 15 and 17.
D. The ping command does not use ICMP but uses UDP.
Explanation: ICMP Type 0 = Echo Reply, ICMP Type 8 = Echo

793) How many bits encryption does SHA-1 use?
A. 64 bits
B. 128 bits
C. 256 bits
D. 160 bits

794) You are scanning into the target network for the first time. You find very few conventional ports open. When you attempt to perform traditional service identification by connecting to the open ports, it yields either unreliable or no results. You are unsure of which protocols are being used. You need to discover as many different protocols as possible.
Which kind of scan would you use to achieve this? (Choose the best answer)
A. Nessus scan with TCP based pings
B. Nmap scan with the -sP (Ping scan) switch
C. Netcat scan with the -u -e switches
D. Nmap with the -sO (Raw IP packets) switch
Explanation: Running Nmap with the -sO switch will do a IP Protocol Scan. The IP protocol scan is a bit different than the other nmap scans. The IP protocol scan is searching for additional IP protocols in use by the remote station, such as ICMP, TCP, and UDP. If a router is scanned, additional IP protocols such as EGP or IGP may be identified.

795) Google uses a unique cookie for each browser used by an individual user on a computer. This cookie contains information that allows Google to identify records about that user on its database. This cookie is submitted every time a user launches a Google search, visits a site using AdSense etc. The information stored in Google’s database, identified by the cookie, includes everything you search for using Google, every web page you visit that has Google Adsense ads.
How would you prevent Google from storing your search keywords?
A. Block Google Cookie by applying Privacy and Security settings in your web browser
B. Disable the Google cookie using Google Advanced Search settings on Google Search page
C. Do not use Google but use another search engine Bing which will not collect and store your search keywords
D. Use MAC OS X instead of Windows 7. Mac OS has higher level of privacy controls by default.

796) War dialing is a very old attack and depicted in movies that were made years ago.
Why would a modem security tester consider using such an old technique?
A. It is cool, and if it works in the movies it must work in real life.
B. It allows circumvention of protection mechanisms by being on the internal network.
C. It allows circumvention of the company PBX.
D. A good security tester would not use such a derelict technique.
Explanation: If you are lucky and find a modem that answers and is connected to the target network, it usually is less protected (as only employees are supposed to know of its existence) and once connected you don’t need to take evasive actions towards any firewalls or IDS.

797) What is the problem with this ASP script (login.asp)?
A. The ASP script is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting attack
B. The ASP script is vulnerable to Session Splice attack
C. The ASP script is vulnerable to XSS attack
D. The ASP script is vulnerable to SQL Injection attack

798) What type of port scan is shown below?
A. Idle Scan
B. Windows Scan
C. XMAS Scan
D. SYN Stealth Scan
Explanation: An Xmas port scan is variant of TCP port scan. This type of scan tries to obtain information about the state of a target port by sending a packet which has multiple TCP flags set to 1 – “lit as an Xmas tree”. The flags set for Xmas scan are FIN, URG and PSH. The purpose is to confuse and bypass simple firewalls. Some stateless firewalls only check against security policy those packets which have the SYN flag set (that is, packets that initiate connection according to the standards). Since Xmas scan packets are different, they can pass through these simple systems and reach the target host.

799) Peter extracts the SID list from Windows 2008 Server machine using the hacking tool “SIDExtracter”. Here is the output of the SIDs:
From the above list identify the user account with System Administrator privileges?
A. John
B. Rebecca
C. Sheela
D. Shawn
E. Somia
F. Chang
G. Micah

800) Ann would like to perform a reliable scan against a remote target. She is not concerned about being stealth at this point. Which of the following type of scans would be the most accurate and reliable option?
A. A half-scan
B. A UDP scan
C. A TCP Connect scan
D. A FIN scan
Explanation: A TCP Connect scan, named after the Unix connect() system call is the most accurate scanning method. If a port is open the operating system completes the TCP three-way handshake, and the port scanner immediately closes the connection. Otherwise an error code is returned. Example of a three-way handshake followed by a reset:
Source * Destination * Summary
[][] TCP: D=80 S=49389 SYN SEQ=3362197786 LEN=0 WIN=5840
[] [] TCP: D=49389 S=80 SYN ACK=3362197787 SEQ=58695210 LEN=0 WIN=65535
[][]TCP: D=80 S=49389 ACK=58695211 WIN<<2=5840
[][]TCP: D=80 S=49389 RST ACK=58695211 WIN<<2=5840
